

^^ This is my first time using my broken English to write my blog. Recently, i have been tagged by my dearest juniors then i got not choice to answer them. Here you go..... DANG DANG!!! Let me answer all these questions.But before that , please take a look at these 2 rules when people have tagged you.

Rule 1: People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any questions that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

Rule 2: Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse.

These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the same person whom they were tagged by continuing this game by sending it to other people.

Tagged by Sze Inn and Grace.

1. Do you have secrets?
~Yup, i guess everybody have their own secret. If somebody say they have not secrets in their then they probably are liars at all because we are human being sure got secrets in our life

2. Would you fall in love with a girs younger than you?
~Why not! Sure is ok lar, but i got the age limit for it also. I cannot accept girl who is 5 years old younger than me because it would make me feel like i am taking care a younger sister rather than a girl friend.

3. Do you enjoy going to college?
~Yeah, i am loving it. Because i can meet different kind of people in college and i like to talk to different kind of people. I am totally enjoy my social life.

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
~ Ermm... first , i would use it to invest on certain financial field or start a business with my colleages. Second, i would buy a big big house and Audi sport car. Third, i would like to travel the whole world and also include space traveling. Forth, every guy must have their own big dream since young so do i aslo so i would use it to chase after my big dream.^^

5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?
~Yup, i believe in first sight love also but i rather choose a relationship which grow from the best friend first because you never know you love her unless you have being with her together for quite sometimes. But i believe the process need some kinds of chemical reaction to happens also.

6.Will you give up to sb when you have being rejected by the cutie girl u love?
~Well, i can only say that if i trully love that girl then i wouldnt give up so easily at all becasue i dont want to let go my happiness so easily or else i would feel regret in my life. Sometimes people would ask me why i still insist on chasing after sb even though she will reject me and my answer is she deserves me to do that!I can list down at least 10 reasons why she deserves me to do that but i am not gonna to list down here because it is my secret also.^^ but what i can say is she is an unique and a beautiful lady at all and more importantly she is still herself and i like her.

7. Will the person you like occupy your heart forever even though you and her blew up already?
~Yup, certainly. I am that kind of person who will emphasize on the relationship be it friendship or love relationship. She would always in my heart whenever and wherever i am because i love her sincerely if i start a love relationship with a girl i love. If i blew up with her in the end, i would still keep her in my mind and i would only memorize those sweetest time with her together instead of her bad side but i would keep sincerely with my another new spouse also and i would wish her well for her new relationship also.

8. What do you prefer? Touching story or happy story?
~I would prefer touching story.Why? Because if that movie really touch my heart sure is a very good movie because my standtard for judgement of movies are quite high( i am a crazy movie lover)

9. Do you have any regrets?
~Yes, I used to.But i would keep that regret as a lesson in order for me not to repeat the same mistake again next time. That is what makes me to behave the way i am today.

10. What are your favourite saying recently?
~Nice to meet you.(Recently i meet many of the foreigner in my campus include Kazashtan , China and also Nigeria. I love to talk to people and make new friends that is why i love to social with people)

11. What kind of person do you think the person that tagged you is?
~Ermmmm.... well, they are my dearest juniors and all of them are kindly and helpful. I like to talk with them very much since they are fun also : )

12. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
~ Well, neither both of them. I would rather choose to be more spiritual that means to be confidence in everything and a little bit rich(We all need money but that doesnt mean that we need to become the slave for money) but to get married with someone i love.

13. What is your favourite colour?
~White. Because it represents pureness and sincerely.

14. Would you give all in a relationship?
~ Yes, but not 100% instead of 80%. Why? Because if i give all in a relationship it would make you so tired and lack of freedom also and the rest of 20% is loving yourself as well.

15. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, whih one would you choose?
~ Well, the answer is simple. I will choose the one who is in the same world with me in any kind of aspects.

16. What are the top 5 places on your tp-go list?
all these countries are highly advancing countries. They got the kind of characterists i am loving to so that is why i would like to go there if got any chances in the future.

17. Name three thing you would like to do but never able to
~Starting my first love relationship at age 21
Become backpacker and travel alone in the countries i love at age 18( but i believe one day i will fullfil my dream)

18. 5 people i wanna tag
Li Shan
